Overview of Quieting a Noisy Soul
Quieting a Noisy Soul is a unique multimedia program for personal growth and change combining DVD video sessions, an audio CD for
daily meditation upon applicable Scripture passages, an mp3 CD for convenient review of the seminar sessions, and a powerful interactive
study guide that aids your personal application of the seminar truths. No Christian program provides such a comprehensive, structured
means to saturate your mind with the truths of Who God is and how He intends for those truths to deliver you from your guilt, anxiety, anger, and despair.
Families or small groups who purchase the counseling program can purchase additional copies of the syllabus and study guide, Taking Time to Quiet Your Soul, or the Quieting a Noisy Soul Audio Package, which includes all audio sessions from the counseling program and a copy of Taking Time to Quiet Your Soul.
See a list of the seminar sessions.
Experiencing panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, or despair right now? Go to the quickstart page for immediate help in overcoming these destructive patterns of life.